Fantasy sports can be very frustrating. You get one of the "better" players on your team, and they turn out to be duds. Or players run in streaks, and they do nothing for you week after week, then in one week they amass enough points that you could win even if everyone else on your team did nothing.
Prior to last weekend I was very worried about Sophomore Slump. LaMont Jordan, one of my keepers, had scored about 2 points all season. Santana Moss, a return to the team, who I took a bit early to guarantee he would be back on my team, hadn't done much better. Lucky for Santana there were players doing worse than him, so he was spared the chopping block. LaMont got the benefit of the doubt for purely emotional reasons. He was predicted to be one of the best running backs out there this year, and was a keeper form my team. I keeper I rarely remembered I had, and frequently forgot who he was. (I kept thinking Fred Taylor or Thomas Jones were the keepers, not LaMont).
But this week they both earned their spot on the team. LaMont scored me 14 points, which is a strong performance. Santana netted me 26, which is studly.
Someone definitely was looking out for me last week. My opponent had both Shaun Alexander and TO on her team, yet with both of them on her bench I still only held an 11 point lead going into Monday's night game. She had Brian Westbrook, and I had Greg Jennings, a no one of a wide receiver on Green Bay, and David Akers the kicker. It would be a close match, and historically when my games come down to the Monday night contest I fall in flames.
You might have heard the squeals of glee when I learned Westbrook was sitting on the bench this week. They were mixed with Sweetie's squeals, because Ahman Green was on his opponent's team, and that game was even closer than mine was.
Really, my only dissapointment this week was that David Akers, KICKER for the Philadelphia Eagles, didn't manage a touchdown pass. Because he did throw a pass, which is just one of the coolest things ever.
This coming weekend I play an opponent who has both Payton AND Eli Manning on her team. Week 1 I was obsessed with the hot Manning on Manning action we were promised Sunday Night, and I think that obsession may spill over to this week.
Currently the record is 3-1, which has me tied for 3rd place. With my Sweetie no less.
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