Um, OK, so apparently several of the teams are stupider than I gave them credit for in the past. You're clue takes you to a fish farm in Chile. The Road Block (which is a challenge that one team member performs, and you only get a vague clue of the challenge before you pick who's doing it) says "Who doesn't mind being slippery when wet." So why in the world would you pick someone who is afraid of fish to do the clue? In the case of Charla and Mirna it was a necessity (because Charla couldn't physically perform the task), but at least two other teams picked the person who is afraid of fish to do the challenge. Little sympathy for the teams there.
A lot of sympathy for the local that Mirna hijacked when they flew into town, to help them navigate their way. They stopped, asked the local if he would help them. He responded "I have to work." So Mirna said she'd give him fifty bucks, and drug him into the car. He had a look about him the remainder of the leg that said, "What the FUCK am I doing here?" I feel kinda bad for the guy. I do hope that the fine folks from CBS help get any locals home once they've been disposed of by the teams. Or, even better, if they made the team drive the guy home during the pit stop. Now they've got to use some of their twelve hours that could be used eating and sleeping shuttling the poor guy home instead.
David and Mary were eliminated this week, which was probably for the best. They realized that without the Chos they don't have what it takes to run the race.
Leaving Charla and Mirna in last place, and I pray to God that next week they are eliminated. Mirna is just more than I can handle. When she's not hijacking locals, she's trying to cut in line in front of other teams, or complaining about how the world is conspiring against her.
Now if we could just get someone other than Rob and Amber to come in first place for a leg or two or ten I'd be a totally happy girl.
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