I am an aficionado of the cover tune. The stranger the better. Sid Vicious covering Frank Sinatra's My Way? Spectacular! Rage Against the Machine covering children's nursery rhymes? Fabulous! A cello quartet covering Metallica's entire library? Why didn't I think of it myself?
But I think I've reached the pinnacle. Sweetie went to a small liberal arts college in Ohio. He was part of an a capella singing group at said school. Which, at some point in their history (not sure if it was while Sweetie was there or not, but I'm sure he'll confirm or deny later) covered The Pixies "Here Comes Your Man." As a totally upbeat, happy, peppy song that you could have seen the Brady Kids singing when Tiger needed emergency surgery and they had to enter the karaoke contest to raise the funds.
It frightens me, yet I can't stop listening to it.
"Here Comes Your Man" postdates me by a while, but the Chasers thank you for the flattering comparison to the Brady Kids. They ROCKED!
Posted by: teacherrefpoet | 06 March 2007 at 05:16 PM
Totally with you on cover songs.
I'm glad that I wasn't there for that cover song. It might have put me in the awkward position of having to boo the Chasers.
Seriously, I detest that song. Not even making it upbeat can save it.
Posted by: tommyspoon | 08 March 2007 at 07:53 AM