Just when I think the whole Larry Craig thing can't get any more ridiculous, it goes off the charts. Again, and again, and again, and again, and again.
First the guy supposedly "accidentally" solicited sex from the guy in the stall next to him. I am not an expert on bathroom stall sex solicitation, but from what I've read it's not something you can just "accidentally" do.
So he pleads guilty and resigns from the Senate.
But no, now he's going to try and reverse his plea, and he didn't ACTUALLY resign, but he said that he was GOING to resign, but now he's changed his mind.
Even crazier?
The American Land Rights Association is calling for a boycott of the Minneapolis airport. Because if no one flew there, then there would be no one in the bathroom stalls when Craig tried to solicit for the sex? I'm not sure what purpose the boycott serves in getting things done, because it's just a crazy idea.
But wait, we get EVEN CRAZIER!
The REASON that the group is calling for the boycott is because the Minneapolis airport police "... are primarily responsible for greatly weakening private property rights and Federal land use advocates in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and in Congress."
So, to summarize, a Senator who is unwilling to admit he likes sex with men tries to solicit anonymous sex in an airport bathroom, and is caught with his pants down. Therefore, private property rights are gone. Which seems like a pretty good reason for everyone to support gay rights, because perhaps if he hadn't had to be a closet case land rights would no longer be a concern.
Almost makes me want to fly to Minneapolis next chance I get.
This just boggles the mind. And now he wants a judge to reverse his guilty plea...
Posted by: Shannin | 06 September 2007 at 05:45 AM
While part of me still pities him, the rest of me is going to revel in the ensuing entertainment over the next few weeks!
Posted by: tommyspoon | 06 September 2007 at 07:49 AM
Well, if nothing else he's on Peter Sagal and the rest of the "Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me!" crew's Christmas card list for providing an apparently-endless stream of material.
"I'd like to thank you all for coming out this morning ..." (emphasis mine)
Posted by: Greg | 06 September 2007 at 12:45 PM