The Hedgehog can crawl forwards now.
He doesn't do it on a completely consistent basis, but he can.
Watching him learn these new skills it totally astounds me at how quickly he picks things up.
Two days ago he army-crawled for the first time. It wasn't so much a crawl as it was a stretch that stretched so much it resulted in forward movement so he could get the toy a few inches out of his reach. He knew not what he was doing, just that he had his toy.
Now it's much more intentional. He wants to get to that spot a few inches in front of himself, and the idea of rolling himself there is just far too much work.
It's also still very experimental. He's done the standard army crawl. He's done a move I'm calling the froggy crawl, as his legs were in froggy position and he sort of leapt forward with them. He did a little bit with the knees. He's trying to figure out the best way for it all to work, so that it can become a regular part of his repertoire.
I fully expect by the end of the weekend he'll be a full-fledged crawler.
If only I, as an adult, could pick up a new skill so quickly and fearlessly.
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